Laurel Elliott
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined"
-Henry David Thoreau

My work expresses the phases and stories of my life. In 1980, I visited the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. The curator showed me antique and ancient rings inscribed with enchanting short poems of love or poesys. These rings from the past inspired me to create replicas of the originals and share them with retailers, museums and catalogues.
As my experience broadened, so did my creative palette and means of expression. Yoga brought me to reflect on Eastern thoughts and symbols that would become the basis for our Asian collection. It also inspired me to develop jewelry shapes reflecting ideas of the infinite that became the foundations of our entire line: the Chinese Pi Disc and the Mobius.
As I reflected more on my own relationship to the jewelry I designed, I came to the realization that what we wear is also a reflection of who we are and where we've been. A piece of inscribed jewelry is both a reminder and an affirmation. From a prayer that has offered us comfort in troubled times, to a quotation that has inspired us to aspire to more than we are, or a song that reminds us of the beauty of life, wearing the written word expresses and affirms our individuality, our own art. My collection has emerged from these insights.
I am grateful to be part of the long history of the written word that connects us all through time and across cultures. I hope the pieces in my collection will resonate with your individual experiences, express your hopes, desires and dreams, and, when worn, serve as a daily reminder of your past and inspiration for your future.